Complete Skeletons of the Aurochs (Bos primigenius)
The Aurochs is well represented in the Quaternary fossil record, with numerous bone finds across Eurasia and Africa; however, there may only be a few dozen complete, fully articulated skeletons of this animal, either on display or in storage in institutions around the world. I have been trying to collect a list of as many mounted specimens as I can,but the list is certainly still incomplete. If you have photos of any aurochs specimens not yet listed here that you wouldn't mind being published on this blog please let me know in the comments. Many aurochs skeletons on display are composites containing axial and appendicular elements from different individuals; In this list I've included only those mounts which I know to be based mostly on single individuals. This post will end up serving as an update to the post originally made by user Roberta on the now defunct Carnivora forum, for those viewers who are familiar. That extremely useful post unfortunately turns out to have omi...
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